Saturday, July 7, 2012

Changes in NC!

NC schools get choice between minimum days, hours

I wonder what this will end up looking like next year for my kids! I can't imagine a kindergartners going to school for a longer day

Friday, January 6, 2012


So I have been hesitant to determine a goal for the new year ... no resolutions for me, becuase I always fail and then feel horrible for failing.  I would love to loose some weight, eat healthier, exercise, read my Bible daily, scrapbook daily, take more photos, spend more time with friends, Stay on top of our home finances better, keep a clean house .... I could keep on going, but all I am pointing out are the failures or faults that I have. 
Today I read of someone who is claiming finding JOY everyday as her resolution.  I also read of someone who claimed that thier year would look drastically different at the end than at the beginning (It did, but not in the expected ways ... be careful what you wish for).  So, what about me?  What is happening in 2012 that I need to develop and work on?
I have made the committment to return to school.  I am working on my Masters through an online program.  I LOVE school and learning.  Reading and applying to my life have become an almost addiction to me.  I think it has bettered me as most of it has been related to my faith growth.  But now I am heading in a direction where I will be graded on my applications! 
This is my resolution for 2012.  To live as fully and healthily as I can that day.  Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Socially, Vocationally, Spiritually, Environmentally ... be the best person that I could THAT DAY ... if I go to bed at the end of the day and I am not happy with that day ... then I will start over the next day.  Did I struggle socially that day?  then I'll work a bit harder on it the next day.  Did I have an emotional break down and yell at the kids?  Start over the next day, appologize, repair damage, and move on.
I can do it.  I can be the person God has designed me to be.  I will do it.  I will be the person God has designed me to be.
My new mantra!  :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I got to thinking the other day about all the changes that have occured in 2011.  I started off the year extremely unsure of what direction I was headed.  I ended up starting Pampered Chef, quitting my job as Director of Learning Ministry ... as it was being yanked out from under me, started teaching 2 year olds, and now it is Jan 3, 2011 and my 1st day in my Masters program to start me on a journey to be a preschool director.  ahhhhhh
I went from unsurity to stable ground to stand on. 
What's the difference?  God!
I have once again learned the hard way to keep my faith and focus on Him.  He will lead me on the path he has designed for me.  There will be bumps and bruises.  I stay focused on the goal and all is well.  God will call me.  The body of Christ will call me.  I just need to open my ears ....  listen ..... follow